Understanding Gum Disease

Poor oral hygiene or genetic predispositions often lead to compromised oral health. This often includes the gums. The initial stages of gum disease is called gingivitis, while the more advanced phase is called periodontitis. In both scenarios, the soft tissue of the mouth is affected by the growth of bacteria, plaque and tartar. If left untreated, the condition may result in premature tooth loss.

A dentist in Melbourne, FL offers several options for gum disease treatment, as well as patient education on gum disease prevention and maintenance. Gum disease treatment options offered are as follows:

Deep Cleaning – Also called scaling and root planing, deep cleaning is one of the most effective methods for treating gum disease. As the procedure requires additional time to complete, multiple visits may be necessary to accomplish the goal of re-establishing positive oral flora.

Tissue Regeneration – Missing segments of the gum and bone can be successfully achieved by grafting procedures that encourage re-growth of lost oral structures.

Pocket Elimination Therapy – In severe cases of gum disease, surgical treatment may be necessary to remove the affected tissues and prevent any bacterial colonies from forming in the future.
Patient Education – The patient is educated about the importance of routine dental cleanings and proper methods for oral care at home. At the time of each visit, the dental professional will also address any nutritional adjustments necessary to sustain healthy a mouth and modifications of any undesired personal habits such as nail biting.

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